2020 Urban Tree of the Year : Celtis occidentalis / by PbD

Society of Municipal Arborists 2020 Urban Tree of the Year

Each fall, members of the Society of Municipal Arborists (SMA) nominate and vote for the SMA Urban Tree of the Year. This tradition dates to 1996 when the urban workhorse ‘Princeton Sentry’ Ginkgo was crowned. And for 2020 the Urban Tree of the Year is none other than the Celtis occidentalis or the common Hackberry! … Continue reading Society of Municipal Arborists 2020 Urban Tree of the Year

Casey Trees

Celtis occidentalis or the common Hackberry  CREDIT: Blog Post by Jona Elwell January 27, 2020 Casey Trees

Celtis occidentalis or the common Hackberry CREDIT: Blog Post by Jona Elwell January 27, 2020 Casey Trees

…“The hackberry has for centuries lived a life of unassuming existence – a wonderful shade provider from the Elm family with its shares of upsides and downsides – that no doubt lives up to its oft-cited nickname: ‘the unknown tree.’ When given the opportunity of rich, moist, open soil it has the potential to reach nearly 100’ high and last for well over a century – but most often it’s considered a medium-sized tree found in parks and wetlands, parking lots and open yards”… READ MORE