New Year Garden Healthcare / by PbD

Every new year gives us a fresh start on our gardens. But you don’t have to start on day 1. Take care of your garden all year and let us help you. We have new services this year, 2021, to do just that. In addition to expert hand pruning, arborist consulting and landscape design and installation management, PbD gives you an environmentally friendly choice for caring for your plants, shrubs, trees, soil and other living organisms in your garden. Here’s how we’ll do it …


Garden Healthcare

Garden Health Consulting - PbD can help you identify and assess your garden challenges and strengths so that you may improve your garden’s health from the ground up. We take a holistic approach by investigating the impact of storm water, soil compaction, looking for potential pests and disease vectors, making sure the bones of the garden have good architecture and foliage has vigor. We can make recommendations and give you academically supported information and strategies for increasing ecological resilience in your garden.

Weeding & Invasive Plant removal : Our PbD team can handle your weeds and invasives! Unlike typical mow and blow lawn maintenance companies, we can offer regular hand weeding by a crew who has knowledge about how to manage ornamental perennials, removing weeds and invasives without using chemicals. We can manage large area Ivy removal projects as an additional service, on a Project Basis.

IPM Monitoring & Practices

Monitor Key Pests and Key Plants : We develop a plant health checkup review database sheet for your unique garden and use it to monitor key pests and key plants for you year round, documenting as we go. We get to know your garden and look for signs and symptoms of potential illness and problems before they become unmanageable. Pbd offers assistance in diagnosing and strategizing, as needed.

Mechanical and Physical Controls : Pruning is your first line of defense against problem insect pests. We prune out infestations but we also know which are the beneficial insects to encourage and leave in place. We prune to encourage airflow and remove disease vectors, to improve the health and vigor of your garden. This is our standard practice! We do not use chemical controls. You can count on us.

We are happy to provide you with a proposal for Annual Seasonal Maintenance weeding, or weeding on an As Needed Basis; Weeding and invasive removal + IPM monitoring services = Garden Health Care. Let us know what you need and we can help you!